Join us at the

digital forum

Digital Forum returns in the autumn! Register your interest below for details about our next event.

start with why people

What is the digital forum?

The Digital Forum is a networking event series for innovative leaders to discuss ways to improve public services. We focus on sharing insights and lessons from successful projects that are changing how we deliver services, making them more user-friendly, adaptable, and effective. Our goal is to foster collaboration among those leading projects that prioritise standards and user needs.

If you’re committed to transforming public service delivery and work in central government, local authorities, or the private and non-profit sectors, we invite you to join us!


Our last event explored how the current approaches to planning, constructing and operating our built/natural environment need to change to achieve net zero and address the housing shortage while sustaining growth.

Together with innovators across energy, transport, housing, planning and the natural environment, we discussed how the sector is pivoting towards delivering net zero emissions, adapting to climate change and fostering economic growth. 

As a new generation of innovators is building on open-source, agile and user-centred digital methods to drive change, we discussed key questions:

  • Infrastructure is known for being a waterfall process - can infrastructure be agile? How are you using digital, data, design and tech to do this?
  • What is the next step/opportunity in your sector to achieve better outcomes through digital?
  • How are we collaborating across the sector - what more can we do?

We were joined by a line-up of four fantastic speakers to share their insights:

  • Niki Kesharaju, Senior Decarbonisation Strategy Manager at National Grid
  • Robert Singleton, Head of Planning, Housing and Transport at Department for Transport   
  • Rachel Fisher, Deputy Director Land Use Policy at Department for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs 
  • Matt Wood-Hill, Head of Digital Planning Software at the Department for Levelling Up Housing and Communities 

We'd love to see you at our next event in the autumn. Register your interest below!


  • Watch

catch up from the last event


Join us at our next Digital Form event! Please fill in the form and we'll keep you posted.
